St. John

St. John

On the eve of St. John's to make them magically to Avliotes.
a) In the evening under the pillow of the girl puts three beans, a normal, a misoxefloudismeno and a peeled completely.
And he says:
" Saint John lampatari, you have God's grace and the pride of the bride, the holy gospel and church honey. Show me my revelation, anyone new would take me to the particular in my sleep tonight in my dream, and tomorrow morning, straight to my bedside. "
In the morning when you wake up, with closed eyes, puts her hand under the pillow and any bean get her husband would be: If the bean the whole will be rich if the misoxefloudismeno will be moderate if the peeled will be poor.
b) On the day of Saint John's going to squash and chop three flowers and planted further, and each put a name and know who is everyone, and in the evening go and look and whichever you stay upright this will take.
c) You catch three cicadas and put in a box, day t St. John Finding it out and go any where you want him to take.
d) When you beat the vespers bell hanging from the fig tree and wait. The first name that you hear so they say the boy will get.

(As told by Giorgoula of Fonda, bedridden and blind, the granddaughter of Helen in 1985)


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