"The Lent sing the aria "The Holy God", but the olives, but the neighborhood archinouse aklouthousane the one and the other and all the ends together and see who was euphonious and how to be loved chi hear"
"Good is the Holy God is good and let's say,
where it says saving it and where listening sanctifies,
and where well afrokastei paradise will take,
paradise in churches and in holy monasteries.
Under the Gerosolyma the Holy Lord the grave,
that there was no tree and the tree was manifested,
the tree was Christ and the apostles clones,
leaves were the witnesses and the roots of the prophets,
who prophesy and say to Christ's passions.
Jeez how pomeines sad martouria?
I thoroughly pomeina sad martouria,
the pomeina for Christians and for the damned.
Today sygnepse heaven, today lost the sun,
now catch the Christ the wicked OspA.
As a thief and caught him like a bandit get him,
and like a lamb to the carnage so floundering.
San learn Panagia fell on death,
cries the three neighbors three good women,
Martha Magdalene St. Lazarus mother,
and James's sister and four Adama.
Strati Strati Strati caught path
and the army the right amid the robbers doors,
find the lockable doors and keys Drawn
and the shutters bolted tight.
Looking right looking Zervos nobody sees
again matakoitaxe the aye John sees.
Saint John Baptist and baptized my son,
tell me who is my Yoko and your teacher?
You see that the bare wood Stavromeno,
which keeps blood soaked shirt?
He is your Yoko and my teacher.
That is to tear down the cliff and stones to fall?
and knife to slaughter adikothanetepso?
Do not tear down my mother demolished mothers?
slaughterers and not my mother brothers slaughtered?
Mother the Holy Saturday, mother of five hours,
operating the churches and chanting priests,
Council and then my mother thacheis great joys. "
(As told by Euterpe of Fonda, the daughter of Helen)
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