Avliotes Lending Library
In 1998, in Avliotes, on the northwest end of Corfu, a core of love and visibility of the book was created. At the initiative of a small group of individuals, the "Loyalty Library of Alder" was founded, a corporation approved by the decision of the Court of First Instance of Corfu No. 793/1998.
The library and the reading room are located on the first floor of the "Avliotes Cultural Center", a modern and spacious building located in the square of the village and occupies an area of 120 sq.m. about.
In addition to the dissemination and study of books, we include the preservation and promotion of the special cultural identity of the Corfiot countryside, and we aspire to contribute to the general development of culture in our region. Almost 10,000 volumes have been collected, mainly with Greek and foreign literature, history, folklore, political science, philosophy, religion, art, children's books and albums.
The Lending Library of Avliotes has been warmly responded by the inhabitants of our region and is a library model for the entire north of Corfu as it has the potential to attract and serve readers from the wider region of the hinterland.
It is a bright local spiritual focus, which can be developed much more, on the one hand, as a dynamic modern means of displaying knowledge through digital technology, on the other hand as a body of rescue and preservation of the Ionian cultural specificity.
We hope your active support!
The Board of Directors
Dimitris K. Zimaris, President - Irene Kourkoulou, Secretary - Giorgos N. Mouzakitis, Treasurer - Elpida Mouzakitis, Member - Athena Mouzakitis, Member
At the edge of Western Horizon
During the years, our Library has acquired valuable and beloved friends; people who are genuinely interested to support our activities with a spirit of real selfless altruism.
One of these great, true friends is the well-known painter Spiros Koursaris. Born in the island of Kerkyra but living permanently in Athens, he strongly maintains the memories of his childhood here in his homeland, helped by a constant mood of mental return.
He has performed dozens of individual and group exhibitions in Greece and abroad, while he teaches "Aesthetic and Art Education" at the Democritus University of Thrace.
An excursion to a seaside scenery in our area, "at the edge of the western horizon" as he notes, stood the triggering event for him to paint it on a triptych, on his own unique style, and to offer this triptych, three versions of this “imposing land’s end”, to our Library as a present in order to be printed in 150 numbered and signed copies with the noble purpose of celebrating our fifteen years of existence and supporting the objectives of our Library.
We would like to thank heartily our dear friend and artist Spiros Koursaris, as with his touching and symbolic gesture he arms us with courage and strength as do all of you who support our efforts!

A triptich
Three artistic versions of the same theme. Three variations, a digitally reproduced trilogy, with numbered and signed replicas on FABRIANO lithographic paper.
Dear friends: The triggering event was your presence and the imposing landscape that you granted me. I thank you for this. A wonderful excursion to the mystic, solitary seashore, from the outskirts of the village and the raised olive grove to the cliffs, an adventurous walk downhill and uphill. The alternating protagonists are faces of yours, faces of mine, faces of the excursion and of our recorded memory. Impervious to modern aesthetics, this impassable landscape, into the ancestral, primordial, seductive scents of the summer, woven with the sensed light of our homeland, at the edge of the western horizon.
21 June 2013
Spiros Koursaris
Our Blog!

Ta Korakistika
(Επίσης Φαφίστικα, Τζιτζιφίστικα, Αβαρδίστικα)
Στο χωριό μας πολλοί από τους ανθρώπους της περασμένης γενιάς ήξεραν να μιλούν τα κορακίστικα. Μια ακαταλαβίστικη απόδοση της γλώσσας για τους αμύητους.
Για πολλά χρόνια η Κέρκυρα, όπως και όλος ο Ελλαδικός χώρος ήταν κατακτημένος από άλλους λαούς.
Οι ντόπιοι για να μπορούν να συνομιλούν μεταξύ τους χωρίς να γίνονται κατανοητοί από τους άλλους, ανέπτυξαν μία παραφθορά της γλώσσας προσθέτοντας, μετά από κάθε συλλαβή και διατηρώντας το προηγούμενο φωνήεν, το κα, κο, κι, κου κλπ.
Έτσι η ομιλία γινόταν ακατανόητη ακόμα και για τους γνωρίζοντες καλά Ελληνικά.
Για παράδειγμα η φράση:
-Γεια σου, τι κάνεις;
-Καλά είμαι, ευχαριστώ
Αποδίδεται στα Κορακίστικα:
-Γειάκα σούκου, τίκι κάκα-νίκεις;
-Κάκα-λάκα είκι-μεκαι, έκε-φχάκα-ρίκι-στώκω.
Στα Τζιτζιφίστικα:
-Γειάτζα σούτζου, τίτζι κάτζα-νείτζεις;
-Κάτζα-λάτζα είτζι-μαίτζε, έτζε-φχάτζα-ρίτζι-στώτζω.
Στα Αβαρδίστικα:
-Γειάβαρδα σούβουρδου, τίβιρδι κάβαρδα-νείβιρδεις;
-Κάβαρδα-λάβαρδα είβιρδι-μαίβερδε, έβερδε-φχάβαρδα-ρίβιρδι-στώβορδω.
Και στα φαφίστικα ανεβαίνει ο τόνος στην συλλαβή που προσθέτουμαι ως εξής:
-Γειαφά σουφού, τιφί καφά-νειφίς;
-Καφά-λαφά ειφί-μαιφέ, εφέ-φχαφά-ριφί-στωφώ.
Και με τον ίδιο τρόπο συντάσσονται όλες οι λέξεις.
Οι πολύ καλοί ομιλητές είχαν την ικανότητα να χρησιμοποιούν στην ίδια πρόταση και τις 4 παραφθορές κάνοντας πολύ δύσκολη την αποκωδικοποίηση στους αμύητους.
Μες στα τόσα ακαταλαβίστικα που συμβαίνουν γύρω μας, ας ελπίσουμε να βρεθούν νέοι ομιλητές να μας τα λένε κορακίστικα για αστείο. Τουλάχιστον κάτι θα καταλαβαίνουμε.
Δανειστική Βιβλιοθήκη Αυλιωτών, 26.10.2022 Γ.M

The "spell"
In the past, when someone felt unwell or inexplicably lethargic, they said they were staring. Someone looked at him, said something bad about him, they beat him. That was the cause of the evil. Thus the popular wisdom found as a way of immediate treatment the dissection with a spell, which in each place has a different performance. Here we will see the spell as Maria Mouzakiti learned it from her grandson around 1977.
'' Saints Anargyros of Jesus Christ
The world's first doctors,
where you cured lame, lame, crooked, disabled
heal the servant of the god (so .....)
where he is glanced, admired and heartily caught,
from bad lotteries, from bad passers-by
by man, by woman, by jealousy by envy
from a bad meeting.
To go to the wild mountains and to the wild valleys,
to take root to cave and not to turn back.
Φφφφφ ..... air carried (blows semicircularly)
Damn ... and he spread the bad. (does not spit, just says it)
(From Fffff .. to scatter it, three times).
On December 25, Christ was born, resurrected, walked the earth, healed the servant of God. "
(He says the whole spell three times)
In order for it to dry you out, to "catch" the unwinding, that is, the one who says the spell must be born on Saturday. And if he yawns loudly during the clearing, then success is guaranteed.
Good ironing
We are waiting for your narration, fairy tale, spell, story, old game etc at avlioteslib @ gmail . com
Avliotes Lending Library

The Goldsmith and Princess

The Bride Orfanoula
Look at that mountain, the fro and Keith,
which then lowers orfanoula bride,
midway midway pezefei and the mother sits and says:

Ilie My perilie
Ilie My perilie and my kosmogyriste
Never saw not answered beautiful girls?
Yesterday I saw the dance, now in the bazaar
And the captain in the beautiful boat docks.

The Holy God
"The Lent sing the aria "The Holy God", but the olives, but the neighborhood archinouse aklouthousane the one and the other and all the ends together and see who was euphonious and how to be loved chi hear"
"Good is the Holy God is good and let's say,
where it says saving it and where listening sanctifies,
and where well afrokastei paradise will take,
paradise in churches and in holy monasteries.

St. John
On the eve of St. John's to make them magically to Avliotes.
a) In the evening under the pillow of the girl puts three beans, a normal, a misoxefloudismeno and a peeled completely.
And he says: